Veronica Sully

Veronica Sully

Let's Talk About Kinky Sex - The Series

7 stories

naked woman showing off sexy bare feet for an article that explores foot fetish and kink
sexy woman naked on bed
Woman sitting on a man in a collar and on a leash for an article about degradation kinks and fetishes.
Veronica Sully

Veronica Sully

The Cheater's Toolbox

9 stories

Couple caught cheating. An article that explains what to do if you’ve been cheated on.
Veronica Sully

Veronica Sully


19 stories

Couple caught cheating. An article that explains what to do if you’ve been cheated on.
Veronica Sully

Veronica Sully

Better Blowjobs Series

4 stories

Woman sucking banana like it’s a cock for a better blowjobs article about deepthroating
Sexy woman sucking a banana while pushing her bare breasts up for a better sex article on Blowjobs
A girl sucking on a man’s thumb like she is giving him a blowjob for a tutorial on giving blowjobs. Better Sex.
Veronica Sully

Veronica Sully

Ethical Non-Monogamy

4 stories

couple holding hands for article on open relationships
A couple for an article on relationship advice and ethical non-monogamy
lineup of people for an article about ethical non-monogamous relationships
Veronica Sully

Veronica Sully

Author and blogger of relationships, sexuality, sex, cheating, and adultery. Sexologist and student of life.